Friday, 22 March 2013

Carrot soup

Hubby is not a big fan of veggies. To keep him healthy, I always put lots of veggies on his plate. He always choose to "suffer" first and finish all the veggies before he starts to enjoy the meal haha. To make it easier for him to down the veggies, I got a genius idea!! Make some veggie soup so he doesn't have to chew them.
Our first veggie soup after potato soup is carrot soup. Just fry up some onion, garlic and shallot, then add the chopped carrots. Then add some chicken stock and boil it for 20minutes. Add some cayenne pepper and cream when it's done. Serve it with some cheese and cream. Of course hubby have the soup with his favorite toast.
It tasted quite good actually, though to hubby's mindset veggie soup won't be that delicious haha. The only minor problem is the soup wasn't silky smooth coz the blender didn't crush the carrots very well.

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